Succulent September

I love collecting vintage telephone pole insulators. Although, I hadn’t figured out a cool way to display them until recently. I finally realized it was the perfect little planter for my  favorite little plant,  the succulent.  I think I may use copper and twine to hang them in the house… I’ll let you know… what would you do?




Pita Pizza

My husband found a Tuna Melt Pita Pizzas Recipe in a magazine awhile ago and we tried it out today – with our own twist of course.  I thought it worked so well, I just had to share.  I think this would be great for an appetizer as well.  And with the many options of pizza out there – you can get really creative with the Pita Pizza idea and make this is a lot of fun for everyone in the family to make together.  I hand-picked the dill and lettuce from my garden.  It’s great to have the little extras just outside my doorstep!

Tuna Pita Pizza

1 Can solid white tuna in water, drained
2 Tbsp. Reduced Fat Mayonnaise
1/2 Tbsp. Olive Oil
1/2 Tbsp. fresh Dill, finely chopped
1 Green Onion, finely chopped
4 Pitas (white / whole wheat)
2 Cups Baby Greens
1/2 Cup grated cheddar cheese (I plan on using Dubliner Cheese next time, we pick it up at Costco and I use it in almost everything!)
Salt and Pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 425 F.  Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.  In a bowl, mix tuna, mayonnaise, olive oil, dill, green onion, salt and pepper.  Place the pitas on the baking sheet, then spread the tuna mixture overtop.  Sprinkle cheddar cheese on top of each pita and bake until cheese has melted, 8 to 10 minutes.  Cut each pita into wedges and top with baby greens.  Enjoy!  {A}

Tuna Pita Pizza

Tuna Pita Pizza

Going Fast, SO Yummy!

Lettuce Garden


After the Rain

It had been raining since yesterday morning, and today the clouds parted just as I arrived home.  The sun peeped out long enough for me to sneak in a few photos of the raindrops around the yard.  And then we ran inside before it started again.  I’m wishing for sun and warmth to get here, but I can’t help loving the little things that rain brings like galoshes, bright colored umbrellas, soft ground to start a garden, and indoor DIY projects.  I have a few DIYs to post soon, thanks to the rain! {A}